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Ana Rita Oliveira (1994) was born in Portugal. Recently completed high school of flute with the highest rating. Won eight national and international competitions, among which competition Luso-Galician Albertino Lucas (2010), International Competition ''Terras de La Salette'' (2012) and International Competition Sta Cecilia - Award Ernestina Music Silva Monteiro - Award BPI - (2012) . Recently, aged 18, won the 3rd prize at the International Competition for Interpretation of Estoril. She has performed solo with the Orquestra das Beiras, Orquestra Clássica do Conservatório de Música de Aveiro and Banda Sinfónica do Conservatório de Música de Aveiro She has performed in recital in Aveiro, Vila do Conde, Pacos de Brandao and Agueda. In orchestra she has collaborated with OJ.COM, OCPzero, Orquestra Clássica do Conservatório de Música de Aveiro, Youth Orchestra of Bremen and Orquestra Sinfónica de Jovens de Stª Maria da Feira, Soon she will perform in recital in Portugal and France, including Casa da Música, Résidence André de Gouveia / Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Paris and St. Mesnil des Arts in France, as well as a record for the ''Numerica''.

Ana Rita Oliveira

Member since July 28, 2012

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