Since graduating with a B.A. Honours Degree in Performance from Leeds College of music, having studied with Helen Reid, Natalia Strelchenko, and continuing lessons with Peter Feuchtwanger, Daniel Roberts has performed around Europe, South America, and taken part in competitions including the NTD international Piano competition, in New York, USA. In September 2009, Daniel was invited by the late acclaimed Pianist, Natalia Strelchenko, as part of the Egersund Youth Chamber music festival, that takes place annually in Norway. Daniel has performed for the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe in the famous London church, St James Piccadilly, Leeds Town Hall, and also has performed with Duo partner Hannah Woolmer at London’s Foundling museum, Southwark Cathedral, and The Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff. In 2014 Daniel performed Beethoven’s ‘Emperor concerto’ with the University of Cambridge Philharmonic orchestra. Other solo performances with orchestra have included Beethoven’s 1st concerto, Chopin’s 1st Concerto, Rachmaninov’s 2nd Piano concerto, and the Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. In December 2013 Daniel performed in Brazil, at the Museum of modern art, Juiz De Fora. The recital included the South American Premier, of Peter Feuchtwanger’s ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune Book I’ and ‘Tariqa I.’ He returned in April 2014 to premier ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune Book II’. Daniel gave his Debut recital at the Feuchtwangen International Piano festival, Germany, in April 2015, performing the festival’s premiere of Peter Feuchtwanger’s ‘Variations on an Eastern Folk tune’ Books I and II. Recent performances have included, Mendelssohn’s Piano concerto no. 1 at the Teatro Paschoal Carlos Magno, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, Solo performances in the Municipal Theatre, São João del-Rei, Brazil, and solo recitals in Brazilian cities, São Paulo, and Petropolis. Daniel also performs on the platform Stageit, and has upcoming performances of Rachmaninov concertos, with digital orchestra during this year.

Member since June 04, 2013
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Favorite Piece of Music:
Rachmaninov 2nd Piano Concerto opus 18
Peter Feuchtwanger